المادة الدراسية للاختبارات - جدول الاختبارات
المادة الدراسية للاختبارات - جدول الاختبارات
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Qiyam Center
The subject of Islamic education contains six fields. The first is the field of the Holy Quran, where the student applies the rules of Tajweed correctly, while reciting or memorizing. The second is the field of the Prophet's Hadith, where the student shows the noble Prophet's Hadiths that form the personality of the Muslim. Followed by the field of Islamic faith, which deepens faith in God Almighty and his names and attributes. Then the field of Islamic jurisprudence and its origins, where the student learns the provisions of zakat and food. Then he learns the characteristics of the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the manner in which he deals with life, expressing his faith in him and his love for him through his field of biography and Islamic research. The article ends with the field of Islamic ethics and ethics, which enhances the Islamic ethics in the student in his relationship with God Almighty, and with His Messenger peace be upon him and
مخرجات تعلم المادة : أن يتهجأ الطالب الهمزة بصورة سليمة في مواضعها المختلفة ، وأن يستخدم الاستراتيجيات المناسبة لتصويب الأخطاء الإملائية ، ويفهم العلاقات بين الكلمات من خلال الترادف والتضاد وغيرهما، كما يحدد المعنى الضمني للنص ، ويميز بين الأفكار الفرعية والرئيسة في النص، إضافة إلى استخدام الخيال والمؤثرات الصوتية للتأثير في المتلقي ، ويستخدم أدوات الربط بين وعلامات الترقيم بعد أن يخطط للكتابة ويجمع معلومات عن الموضوع ، كما يحدد الطالب الأساليب المتنوعة من تعجب ونداء واستثناء وغيرها ، ويوظفها توظيفا صحيحا ، وفي النهاية يستخدم الطالب تلك اللغة في فهم ما يقرأ بغرض الوصول إلى الإجابة الصحيحة التي يمكنه التعبير عنها بطريقة صائبة. , و تتضمن المادة المهارات التالية ( القراءة / الكلمة والجملة /الإملاء / الكتابة / الاستماع / التحدث / البلاغ
The main objective of the course is to enable students to develop their English language skills to the level required for competition in the labor market and enrollment in higher education. This is to be achieved through developing students’ competencies and skills in relation to the functional aspects of the language. This course aims to enhance students’ awareness of reading, listening and writing strategies in an integrated way and improve their speaking skills. Students are exposed to vocabulary related to STEM topics during the lessons to expand both their passive and active lexicon.
• Algebra 1: This course is designed to emphasize the study of multiple representations of linear and non-linear functions. It includes mathematical concepts for working with rational numbers, various expressions, analysing and solving linear equations & inequalities, data analysis, probability, statistics, and polynomials. Students will use hands-on materials and calculators when needed in solving problems where the algebra concepts are applied. Students who complete Algebra I should take Geometry next. • Geometry: This course is designed to emphasize the study of the properties and applications of common geometric figures in two and three dimensions. It includes the study of transformations and right triangle trigonometry. Inductive and deductive thinking skills are used in problem solving situations, and applications to the real world are stressed. It also emphasizes writing proofs to solve (prove) properties of geometric figures. Students who complete Geometry should take Algebra II next • Algebra 2: This course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. It develops advanced algebra skills such as systems of equations, advanced polynomials, quadratics, and includes the study of trigonometric functions. It also introduces advanced statistical distributions.
QSTSS Social Studies Curriculum develops the skills of analysis and research. At the end of the course, the student is expected to understand Qatar's geographical nature and terrain by deducing the country's astronomical and geographical location and thus deducing the strategic importance of the State of Qatar through its distinguished location. The student goes through a detailed journey in the history of the State of Qatar where he is acquainted with the political, economic and social conditions of 1868-1972 and the rulers of the State of Qatar starting with Sheikh Mohammed bin Thani in 1851 and signing the Convention on Maritime Peace with Sir Louis Bailey in 1868 which showed Qatar as an independent emirate led by Sheikh Mohammed Qatar was a separate political entity since that date, and ended with Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Thani, who read the Declaration of Independence of Qatar under the reign of Sheikh Ahmed Bin Ali Al Thani in 1971. Qatar's independence from British protection was declared and the Treaty of Protection was replaced by a friendship treaty, Signed by Sheikh Ahmed bin Ali Al-Thani, with "Sir Geoffrey Arthur." Finally, the curriculum allows the student to learn about the powers of the state
Information and communications technology (ICT) is the subject of teaching 21 sensory skills. ICT subjects and skill for grade 9 starts with Advance Microsoft PowerPoint, where the students learn to make interactive presentation and can show and present their projects in an attractive way. After that, the students learn how to use Microsoft Outlook, which is the office communication media. Next, the students learn Microsoft Excel and how to use the Excel features in solving and analysing real problems. The core of the ICT is the programming subjects, where the student train on analysing the problem using the flowchart method then implement it using Python programming language on Raspberry Pi platform. They learn between combining Python and Raspberry Pi which allows the students to program real applications and learn how to use Linux OS. Raspberry Pi platform will allow the student to develop IoT application, Human Interface Device, Interactive application and a physical computer application such as data logging and robotics machines.
In Design Technology class the students learn to use programs as Solidworks and Photoshop in order to know how products and systems are designed and manufactured, how to be innovative and to make creative use of a variety of resources including digital technologies, to improve the world around them. Design Technology is a phenomenally important subject as it supports in teaching other subjects as pre-engineering and fabrication lab classes
STEM is an introductory course for AP courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math. This course focuses on basic science concepts and their connections to everyday life through different engineering designs and applications. Connections to everyday life and society include energy conservation, pollution, health, the origin of the universe, pseudoscience, and the search for life in extreme conditions. While advanced mathematics is not required for this course, basic math with simple algebra and some trigonometry is extensively utilized. Problem solving, reasoning, data analysis, and graphing skills are emphasized throughout the course. The overall goals of this course include students' gaining an appreciation for the physical, chemical and biological world, improved students’ critical thinking and reasoning skills, and improved scientific literacy to enhance the 21st century skills.